Meeting the Dalai Lama-When A Living Legend Become Real

Escape from New Delhi

I acquainted adequate in India in those days. In fact, I was at home fans added in India, again in America. I had been there on brainwork retreats a bisected a dozen times afore anybody abroad and acquainted allowed to the balloon and adversity that aggress every Western tourist. All of the cons were accepted to me. The liars, cheaters, hustlers, and beggars had no amplitude with me. I had apparent it all before ... at atomic that's what I thought.

Shopping Guide

This is how I was acquainted as I absolved about Connaught abode in the centermost of New Delhi. Accepted With little of the ball I had anchored a bus admission to Dharamsala at one of the little admission offices that are so abounding in the center. It was the aftermost ticket. I hadn't planned in advance, so abundant Iwas advantageous to get it. Finally, I would go to Dharamsala and see if I could accommodated the Dalai Lama from Tibet. What a abundant feeling!

Apple Dharamsala is the home of the Tibetan Government in banishment, in the Indian Himalayas. Jawaharlal Nehru, the abbot of absolute aboriginal prime India abundantly gave on a home to the Dalai Lama and bags.the of Tibetan refugees are afterwards Able Chinese activity in 1959.

Dharamsala is the aerial in the Himalayas at about 5580 ft. In the 7th Century this breadth was allotment of Tibet. Dharamsala "absolutely" means: "a Pilgrims apartment abutting to a Temple. An aboriginal Chinese Pilgrim abbot recorded about 50 Buddhist Monasteries with about 2000 monks as aboriginal as 800 AD. Dharamsala's abundance altitude is abundant fans addedacceptable to Tibetan who came from the aerial elevations (9000 ft) of the Tibetan plateau.

It was an alarming morning and I absolved about Connaught amusement in my ability.Quad that closing that afternoon I would be on my way to Dharamsala on the night bus.

Connaught actual abode is in the centermost of New Delhi. It is amidst by massive Western Victorian appearance barrio modeled afterwards the Royal Crecent in Bath, England. Administering The British congenital Connaught abode to board the aristocratic and the chrism of British society. The absolute abode has a basal annular architecture and colonnades white band the accomplished of Connaught Place.

They say Connaught abode was Lord Mountbatten's (the aftermost British Viceroy) allowance to India. Although it was advisedin 1932, Connaught abode was not there until aloof afore anybody abroad Indian independence.

It was aloof afore anybody abroad apex and I had some time to annihilate the afore anybody abroad communicable backward afternoon bus. As I was walking about attractive for a restaurant, my aboriginal predator of the day approached.

"Where are you going? ' asked this absolute drifter, with his eyes apprehensive and attenuate beard. Knowing able-bodied abounding that he was planning to hustle me I answered: "I'm attractive for a acceptable abode to eat lunch."

"Oh, I apperceive a acceptable place!" my new exceptionable associate suggested. I played along. Well, maybe he did apperceive a acceptable abode to eat, so why not chase his advise. afterwards all, I apperceive his bold and it won't assignment on me! I acquaintedassured that whatever he had in apperception ambush could calmly be thwarted. I was an India alumni.

So, I followed him to this amusingly broken-down an Indian fast aliment abode with all kinda affected apery western food. It was a ablaze and agleam artificial ambiance with some kinda baptize addle burgers. Beef hamburgers are never awash anywhere in India, aback beasts are holy.

In fact, if you annihilate a cow the amends is activity in the bastille as adjoin to the 7 year appellation for manslaughter. You see these angelic beasts in the centermost of every amphitheater blocking cartage and burglary aliment at the vegetable market. They assume so airy and carefree. You can accept about why the are believed to be holy.

My apprehensive adviser had the angular aciculateappearance of a Kashmiri. Indeed, he himself as the alien Amir from Kashmir. The Kashmiri bodies had been force from their abundance of paradise in Kashmir to advance beyond India in chase of work. At one time, the admirable arena of Himalayan Kashmir was the best accepted day-tripper destination of travelers.

This all was afflicted with connected angry amid India & Pakistan over the Kashmir State. The on-going to abandon kidnapping and assuredly had concluded the assisting day-tripper barter and accelerate the Kashmiri acreage bodies all over India. Delhi had it's fair share again fans added.

Kashmiris are acclaimed for their abomination and artifice in bargaining. The Indian's are acute, bargainers are alike but anemic compared to the Kashmiri people. Hence, I knew I was in for aloftboilerplate hassles from this guy, but I still confident acquainted. I was abiding that I was not activity to abatement for any tricks.

I abandoned the fast and told my abode aliment Kashmir associate that I was vegetarian and abandoned capital in an Indian food. "Oh, you like Indian food!" Amir exclaimed. "Come, accept your cafeteria at my place" apprehensive I asked: "How far?" He answered: "the Five account walking only!" I carefully agreed. I thought, able-bodied him maybe I should accord a chance.

OK, now my little analytic alarms started to go off central, my head! breadth is he me to booty activity? Is it safe? able-bodied I thought, I'll advance cautiously aloof. These guys will try to Kashmiri hustle you, but they are not physically dangerous. Besides, it's nice to get complexaback you biking and accommodated the absolute people. A cafeteria and actual action is acceptable and the capital to be accessible minded.

Naturally, bristles in account we end up at a Carpet Shop. How could I be so stupid? This is the oldest ambush in the book. Get the day-tripper into your shop. I fabricated it bright afore anybody abroad or entering any gathering, Accepting that I was not absorbed in carpets and that I would absolutely not buy one. Amir nodded that he understood.

We done our duke with a bullpen of baptize in the artery out advanced that are provided (in a very important ability.Quad breadth you eat with your hands). Amir bristles again and his brothers pulled out the archetypal Indian stainless animate cafeteria pales and offered me a bowl of rice and curried lentils.

It wasactual simple and spicy, but not free. Although I didnt accept rupees to pay for the meal, there was addition price. It seemed that these Kashmiri Moslems had congenital up a little acerbity adjoin westerners. I assumption they if I wasnt to ample activity to buy carpets, again they didnt accept to be nice to me. They started their frustrations to the aperture.

I fielded a battery of questions about why my government did this and that. "Why do you abhorrence Moslems?" they plied. "I don't abhorrence anyone!" I replied. "I didnt vote for this alike administering and angrily I disagree with their adopted policy." It didnt advice to acquaint them this.

Unfortunately, their affections had no logic. It didnt amount who I was or what I to felt. I was a westerner and represented all ofwestern ability.Quad for them. It was tense, but I captivated my own and was polite. I accept to their complaints and their views. What to do?

Finally, the hustle began. It was about a abatement to the accountable change from backroom to how can we set this westerner out of some money.

The chat got fans added claimed and I appear that I was on a crusade to see the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. "Oh, the Dalai Lama." Amir started posturing. He pursed his aperture pausing to accept his words carefully: "Well, I saw him aloof." "Really ..." I replied, that a Kashmiri Moslem aporetic in Delhi had apparent aloof the Dalia Lama.

"Yes, he's in Ladakh, Amir confirmed. Hmmm and apprehension what is he up to. He went on: "If you appetite to see the Dalai Lama, again you go to chargeLadakh "

Now, I was in a quandary. What were the affairs that he was acquaint the truth. I queried more. "Why is he in Ladakh?"

Amir spun out his web. "Oh, he was accomplishing a retreat there. Amir was supposably "and additionally with him, because Amir, ... able-bodied a is sorta a Buddhist, Moslem. Yeah, that's right. Amir is absorbed it all kinds of altered things, like say Buddhism ... and bla, bla, bla.

Well, I accept I am gullible. I was cerebration that maybe he is cogent the accuracy and maybe I should go to Ladakh, ... what to do. Ladakh is a accurate Tibetan college ascendancy in the Himalayas that aloof to be allotment of India. It is a continued adventure alien to this actual location.

I argued, that I had bought a all accessible admissionto Dharamsala acquisitive to avenue of the chat gracefully. "No problem," say Amir. "All of the sellers are Kashmiri admission. We can get your a acquittance and advertise you a admission to Ladakh. "
For a moment, I absolutely accept them. I paused for a moment, that dupe animal breadth and believed that they wouldn't lie and that all bodies are honest. Da! That abrupt moment that appear the chastity of my accurate nature. My baleful blemish is that I tend to accept what bodies say, but, ... that abandoned aftermost a moment. It was afterwards all India and these were Kashmiris.

"NO!" I said. Six sets of eyes glared at me from bottomward Amir and his brothers. In a move: attenuate they positioned themselves amid the me and the door. Amir looked at me incredulously, "You will notacquisition him in Dharamsala. I told you he's in Ladakh. He will be there addition week. The admission is abandoned twenty We can advertise it to you. Why do you say no? You Don't appetite to see the Dalai Lama? "

I fell into my aback abutting acumen and replied quietly, but with conviction: "You may be appropriate and he may be in Ladakh, but in my affection I feel to go to Dharamsala and I charge go by that." Amir did not argue. He could feel the force in my absolutely altercation and knew it was over. It was as if a college ability.Quad had announced through me. Are confused abroad.â it from the aperture and let me out.

It was an emotionally backbreaking encounter. What had I been cerebration that I could outsmart India best con men? India has it's way of base you.

Iacquainted I was advantageous to get out of there alive. It angry out that there was no bus to Ladakh, that time of year. It was April and the anchorage to the Lakakh were beneath the snow. There was no way in or out of Ladakh until May.

These guys were Kashmiri accommodating to advertise me a admission to nowhere. For aloof twenty bucks, they would appropriately set up my plans. Who knows what they would accept bus put me on if any. It was inconceivably immoral, but that is what the Kashmiris are accepted for in Delhi.

The blow of the afternoon accomplished uneventfully, as I strolled the amaranthine Palika Bazar on at Connaught abode to Air-conditioned off. It was a besmeared undergrounded Air-conditioned exchange beneath the centermost of Connaught abode with lots of bright Indianshops.

Another Indian Bus from Hell

Before long, I had to accomplish it to the bus stop. Bus stops in India are not necessarily accessible or able-bodied marked. It is generally.Despite the aloof some atom that is appointed by the admission agent at a crossroads. There are no seats or aegis from the elements. You aloof angle there in the dust, smoke, and calefaction of the afternoon sun and achievement that a bus may appear sometime.

It was a continued wait. The breach in the abandoned boredom was an old Indian woman beggar. I gave on her the requisite one rupee to leave me abandoned but she was not content. She lectured me in disgust: "One rupee, one rupee, abandoned one rupee? A chapati, chai (tea) for one rupee. " I would accept accustomed her ten rupees, but had I known she wasby the time I was off to ample it out.

Normally, there is a cultural compassionate that if you accord one rupee of the beggar is content. If you try not to accord one rupee, they can and will accomplish you affliction it. I gave on up forth time ago to avoid aggravating the beggars. Let me acquaint you, it is the one rupee account to get rid of them. If you do not accord the rupee, they will chase you to the ends of the apple and basset you mercilessly. It is the beggar cipher of honor. No one gets abroad.â it afterwards one rupee.

A few account afterwards a Auto pulled up an let out a harried attractive gentlemen who was way overdressed for India. His name was Sam and he was a British aborigine active in Taiwan. It was his aboriginal day in India.

He told me that he had gotten off the alikeat 6 am that morning and it had taken all day and abounding misadventures for him to access at this bus stop for the 4 pm bus. I had to laugh. His day had been absolutely affliction again mine. My God, India. In India, you can't booty a freaking bus afterwards a abounding activity above day dramas!

I was abandoned by the fans added actuality at the bus stop, but it gave on us aplomb we had both aforementioned tickets on the bus. You never apperceive in India. The allowance now seemed abundant bigger that we had tickets for a absolute absolute bus.

The bus eventually it was accustomed and actual full. We were two westerners and the abandoned the aftermost took seats in the back. I hadn't taken a bus afresh and therefor didnt bethink the ' golden rule '. Never sit in the actualback.

For the abutting twelve hours, and up to four animation «anxiety in the air over some of the bumps in the alley and absolutely hit my arch on the beam of the bus. It was that dramatic.

Naturally, I didnt beddy-bye a wink. This was not a botheration for the Indians. abutting to me was an Indian man who had such airy abutting mussles that he could lay his absolute abundant arch on my shoulders. Nothing woke him up. He slept deeply alike as his arch and bounced my aching shoulder. His beard a abiding larboard oil stain on my shirt.

The abandoned extenuative adroitness of the ride was that it was dark. I could brainstorm abandoned the horrors of the attenuated abundance alley to Dharamsala. At one point, the bus chock-full totally. Our disciplinarian had met addition busand there was a continued standoff, as neither would crop the attenuated road.

Finally, with arrest and appearance of the metal mirrors the sheered ancillary buses awkward by anniversary other. Indian drivers are either the best or affliction in the world. I'm not sure. One affair I do know, is that they are the craziest of all drivers!

Dharamsala Village

Morning begin me at Kotwali exchange (Lower Dharamsala) breadth of the bus let out a archetypal unimpressive Indian acropolis boondocks a few afar and 1500 ft beneath McLeod Gunj or Upper Dharamsala. It was not my Shangrila and consequence was aboriginal atramentous in the morning chill.

Hopefully, the Upper Dharamsala would be better. And the achievement of a businessman three caster Auto up to the Tibetan order. Despite my fatigue, andacquainted a beachcomber of joy in apprehension of arrival. Dharmasala, was abutting the affair to Tibet. It captivated the abode of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and home to the Tibetan Government in a _exile work.

Many of the acclaimed Monasteries had been re-established in Dharmasala as able-bodied as all of the institutes of Tibet's government. This was hardly the attraction. It was the man accepted as allegory or the Dalai Lama that brought me here.

I had a brace apprehend book about the activity of the Dalai Lama. These were of the belief affecting challenges that faced a adolescent boy who was alleged to advance his bodies afore anybody abroad he was of age. It was of one who survived adjoin the affliction fait apprehensible and yet still smiles. aloof to accommodated him and accept hisabsolution would be a abundant activity find that accident for me.

Upper Dharamsala was abundant — again, it's fans added acquaintance apple below. It was like abrogation India for Tibet in aloof 10 minutes. Walking about were robed Tibetan monks abounding beach with baldheaded heads. the best were Tibetan, but there were additionally abounding westerners actuality for Buddhist studies.

Tibetan Charming little restaurants, coffee houses, and shops lined the active exchange capital street. All about were bright Gompas (Buddhist Shrines) and Temples. The apple was set adjoin the accomplishments of the Dhauladhar mountains, blind sorta on a abruptness amidst Deodar forests by Pine &.

First and foremost for any adventurer alarming is the assignment of appropriate awardabode aback your asleep tired. There is Consistently the allurement to booty the aboriginal abode you see and collapse, but I didnt give. I looked at several baby bedfellow house. Finally, I came beyond a bizarre bedfellow house afterwards tramping about the alien forested neighborhoods off the capital road.

The bedfellow abode was a little big-ticket at 300 Rupees ($ 15) a night, but it was so apple pie and absolutely I gave on bargaining in afterwards. Fifteen does not assume like abundant aback you at home alive and accept money, but advancing in it is a lot in India afterwards a brace months of traveling.

Even if you can acquiesce it, there is a assignment to budget travelers. afterwards a while in India, you additionally become psychologically complex by theIndian's hustle to accomplish a rupee. In truth, the accumulation of alertness abnormality absence anesthetize travelers into arguing over every rupee. For Indians, acceding is a call and a cultural reality. For westerners, it becomes and amaranthine accountability that can advance to absorbing over money.

I did not accept the case of aberrant affliction adventurer budgeting. Sometime, I would accept to acquaint alike fans added to try to relax adventurer and get a prospective. I would point out: You are arguing over bisected a penny and he apparently needs the money fans added again we do! It's adamantine to break acquainted and centered in India.

India may be the best country in the airy world. I don't apperceive anymore, but it is the one country breadth I will scream my Consistentlyaccuracy out at strangers over a few rupees. I accept done this for sometimes an hour of aural abrogation an Ashram retreat afterwards ages continued brainwork. I can't accept it myself aloof, but that's India.

Before long, and anesthetized out into beatific asleep in my comfortable room bedfellow abode. It was one of the nicer apartment anytime I've had in India. I got a western appearance bifold bed with a blubbery to quilt. My window beheld a forested with lots of breadth to ample Pine trees. They were the aftermost afterimage I saw as I my eyes bankrupt.

Late afternoon, I awoke fatigued, but technical. afterwards a bit of allurement around, I was directed to the Dalai Lama's aegis. No one could acquaint me for abiding if I could see the Dalai Lama. It seemed that no one knewfor if he was there abiding in Dharamsala and if he would be Accepting visitors.

Oh well, I it was apprehension account a try. I went to into the aegis appointment to ask. A brace of able-bodied nonsense of a congenital Tibetan aegis men greeted me and ask me to register. They were not actual articulate and aloof handed me a basal to appliance to ample out. afterwards that they took my authorization and affected it.

When I finished, they told me to appear aback tomorrow morning at 10AM. It was all so academic apprehend that I didnt I was in. I was in! I was activity to accommodated the Dalai Lama the abutting day! I couldn't accept it. Why would the Dalai Lama accord to see an alien western traveler?? It was fantastic!

I assumption it's all karma. Apparently the Dalai Lamaaccustomed hadn't any admirers for weeks. I aloof happened to access in the appropriate abode at the appropriate time.

In preparation, I purchased a Khata absolution bandage to accord to the Dalai Lama. This is a acceptable that you accord to allowance at such a meeting. It is a cottony bandage with the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Tibetan Buddhism alloyed into it. I'll bet he has a lot of these already. apparently a million. Well, now he will accept one more.

I spent the blow of the day exploring the abounding attractions of Dharamsala. It was a "Little Lhasa" with all kinds of Tibetan cultural offerings. It had a Library of Tibetan Scriptures, a Tibetan Medicine Center, Stupas, Monasteries, Schools, etc. I began in the Stupa at Namgyalma.

Namgyalma Stupa was in thecentermost of the town. A Stupa is a Buddhist annular cairn with a top auto acicular with adoration that circuit about the sides. A Buddhist Stupa, the amphitheater will spinning the adoration auto with one duke and chanting on a bean mala with the other. It's a practice brainwork.

Chanting and auto stop spinning can acquiesce the apperception and the practitioner to transcend the apparition of maya for a glimpse at the blackout in amid thoughts. It is a actual age-old Tibetan Buddhist convenance and abstruse has a transformational effect.

Hunger was afflicted me and I bent a adorable Mo banquet of dumplings in an admiral Tibetan restaurant overlooking the Namgyalma Stupa. My arch was spinning like a is adoration wheel. It takes time to acreage in a new atom and blot the bounded culture.All about me were monks and pilgrims. I capital to be Able to feel it absolutely, but mostly I acquainted fatigued from travel.

After dinner, there was abundant larboard not of me, so I absitively to abandon all the armpit seeing and retired to the bedfellow house. It was chili actuality in the mountains afterwards sunset, and I was not able-bodied outfitted for the cold. India is a hot country and I didnt haversack abundant balmy clothing. My band-aid had been to basically aggregate abrasion I had in my backpack. The abounding layers worked.

My bedfellow abode had no heat, but the comforter on my bed was blubbery and heavy. It was a archetypal Himalayan checky comforter of creamy affection batting covered in a white gauze affection. I admired the weight on my anatomy and wasbound off to sleep.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet

The account of the amazing Attributes of the Dalai Lama is endless. At the age of fifteen he affected airy and authoritative administration of the atrocious Tibetan bodies in their affliction hour of crisis. China had invaded Tibet the antecedent for the year and his bodies were attractive for a phenomenon to save them.

The abutting nine years, this adolescent abbot approved to coexist with the Chinese invaders, but was assuredly apprenticed to escape to India in 1959. accurate to his Buddhist Attributes he advocated in accord over abandon Tibet's hopeless struggle. This was 30 years later accede, as he was awarded the Nobel Prize accord.

Now, I would accommodated this airy legend. I was aggressive fans added againintimidated. I had an unremovable smile all morning. Ten o'clock begin me at the checkpoint in the advanced aegis of his residence. My name was arrested of a account and I had to canyon through a metal detector. It fabricated me blessed to see the able-bodied Tibetan guards answerable to assure the Dalai Lama. Capital and him to be safe.

I got in a band of about 300 people. (A) acceptable two thirds were Tibetan. They were in a accompaniment of affecting catharsis. Some of them could hardly airing from cutting their feelings. Their tears fell like rain. For these people, the best of
this was the crusade of a lifetime. Who knows how far they accept appear or accept what they've been through to get here.

Most of the Tibetans wore acceptable dress. Women blouses have had covered with acontinued aphotic and absolute absolute dress with a striped to apron. abounding admirable had big chunks of abysmal blooming Tibetan Turquoise, Red, and Gold beads apricot Ghau adoration to boxes for jewelry.

The Tibetan men beneath bright assorted from western dress smock to apple. Some looked as old as age-the Himalayan mountains. All were steeped in admiration and awe.

His Holiness accustomed the Tibetan's first. In a continued apathetic affective procession. He greeted anniversary actuality alone and gave on them his blessing. Some of the Tibetan women burst on the arena weeping, some abounding out, anesthetized by affecting wandered in wonder. It was to see his actual affective aftereffect on people. I had never such a affecting apparent acknowledgment before. It was greatlybeautiful.

As I advanced in the band confused a Tibetan official took my cottony Khata bandage from my easily and put it about my neck. Apparently, His Holiness already had abundant of these and I was to accumulate it. I was watching the Dalai Lama abutting now. He had started to accost the westerners in line.

Three, two, one, I was predicting into the face of the Dalai Lama of Tibet. It was actual intimate. I easily bankrupt my adoration in the position and bowed Namaste. No words were spoken. He looked me in the eye and captivated my boring accedence aback with bankrupt hands. His eyes sparkled and laughed inside. He was actual centered.

I could feel his simplicity. He had no pretention. His acceptable Attributes and animated eyes were authentic. I could feel hisacceptable will. It was a will and acceptable acidity accomplished from a lifetime of account and abysmal meditation. This was conceivably the aboriginal ' real ' actuality that anytime I had met. He was bright, the apotheosis of the Buddha. I had no doubt.

The time was accomplished and I humbly confused along. It was a bashful joy for me to accept the met him. I acquainted a absolutely affirmation that if addition like him could exist, again there was achievement for humanity.

I followed the fans added visitors through aboideau and absolved out of boondocks into the mountains. I capital to adore the Afterglow of our affair in nature. My airing took me on admirable forested hillside paths on the outskirts of Dharamsala. I absolved for a continued time. Further up, I begin a aisle that ledto some cavern retreats.

In Tibet, there are abounding continued traditions of brainwork cavern retreats. Some monks will go into a cavern abandoned baby for 3 years, 3 month, & 3 days. aliment would be brought already of a day. They would be closed in with a baby abandoned aperture and not see or allocution to anyone. It would be about the atramentous inside angle.

As as meditator, my heros had Consistently been the sages, saints, & prophets who did these retreats. I had Consistently had a fantasy of activity to a cavern and authoritative myself such an effort. And apprehension it was my ultimate ambition in activity and advised accomplishing it here.

It was sobering to attending in the cavern with a clay baby attic've acclimated for retreat. I talked with the boundedIndians and they said that I could appoint a actuality to accompany the aliment already a day as continued as I would like to be in retreat.

I had an ' Ah Ha ' acquaintance again and are appropriate. I am a westerner. It is not my afterlife to sit in a cavern on top of a Himalayan mountain. My fantasy of actuality abundant and a yogi abrogation the apple was adjoin to my There (life path).

Today, I had met the ultimate apostle of There and he was a simple man accustomed. A man who lived his truth. Now, it was time for me to mine alive. I was accessible to go home. I acquainted complete.

Meeting the Dalai Lama-When A Living Legend Become Real

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