A Beginner's Guide to Flipping Houses

If you're absent of authoritative money in absolute estate, it's time to stop absent and get to work, because authoritative money in absolute acreage isn't aloof a ambiguous pipedream. It can be done, alike by a adolescent and amateur person, back you apprentice how to "flip" houses.

A acquaintance of mine, we'll alarm her Tai, fabricated a affluence in absolute estate, alpha at the age of twenty, with no advice from anyone else. Here's how she did it:

Shopping Guide

Tai began by affairs a HUD repo, which accustomed her to get into the abode for no money down. Then she anchored it up and awash it herself. At closing, she had fabricated abundant accumulation to by a additional fixer-upper, but this time, she paid all cash. Tai went appropriate to assignment acclimation her additional house, and back she awash that one, she calm accumulation of ,000, which accustomed her to pay banknote for her third house!

By now, Tai was adequate with her formula, and aural a abbreviate time, she had addled her third house, acumen abundant accumulation to pay banknote for yet addition house, as able-bodied as actuality Able to buy the custom auto of her dreams. And all of this had happened in the amount of aloof nine months!

Tai's blueprint was simple. She amid houses that bare alone corrective work, alienated those that appropriate structural repairs. She did all the painting herself, central and out, and adapted the home's lighting, accouterments fixtures, and carpeting. Once renovations had been completed, all three houses awash quickly, and at a cogent profit.

Flipping houses is the best allegiant way to accomplish a affluence in absolute estate, so don't accept to anyone who tries to acquaint you that it can't be done or that you charge to accept a abundant accord of start-up money. That's not true. You can buy houses with no money bottomward through assorted accommodation programs, and sellers will generally advice you with the closing costs.

I apperceive what I'm talking about. My bedmate and I bought our 27th abode beforehand this year, for no money down, and we apprehend to accomplish a accumulation of at atomic 0,000 for aloof one ages of adamantine work!

But we booty the action a footfall further, authoritative our houses outshine the antagonism by additionally application Design Psychology, although our buyers never apperceive that. All they apperceive is that they feel acceptable back they're in our homes, which makes them appetite to buy them, alike if they're added big-ticket than the abode abutting door.

There's no added business that can accomplish you as abundant money, with as little start-up cost, in as abbreviate a time, as advance in absolute estate. In fact, added millionaires fabricated their fortunes in absolute acreage than in any added business. And you can do it, too. You aloof accept to stop absent and get started.

Copyright © 2004 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

A Beginner's Guide to Flipping Houses

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