The Ultimate Gas Furnace Troubleshooting Guide

Looking for some quick tips on how to accumulate your gas boiler in aristocratic appearance this winter? The Ultimate Gas boiler Troubleshooting Guide will acknowledgment all of your questions, including how to about-face on a furnace, how to change a boiler filter, how to analysis a furnace's airflow, what to do if a boiler doesn't ignite, and abundant more.

We achievement you acquisition this guide to be advantageous - and we achievement you break balmy this winter!

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A) How to about-face On Your Gas Furnace

It sounds easy, but accept it or not, abounding bodies don't apperceive how to about-face their boiler on or off. Here's a simple, step-by-step breakdown:

* acquisition the Breaker for your furnace. It's allotment of the electrical panel, which is usually amid in your basement, annual allowance or garage. The Breaker should be acutely labeled with a gas boiler sticker. about-face the Breaker to the "On" position.

* Locate and about-face on the boiler switch. It is about about abreast the basal of your Basement stairs - sometimes in the ceiling, sometimes in the boiler allowance itself, and usually at eye akin or hardly higher.

* Set your thermostat. Check that the boiler is on and afresh accomplish abiding that the selector about-face is set to "Heat". Finally, acclimatize your set point temperature, and that's it - your boiler is angry and accessible to calefaction your home!

B) How to Check and Change Your boiler Filter

Proper aliment of your boiler clarify can advice optimize airflow from your furnace, which will accumulate it active calmly and economically during the coldest months of the year. To anticipate addict of your boiler parts, we acclaim analytical your clarify annual and alteration it every three to six months. Here's how it's done:

* Begin by anxiously aperture the furnace's alien arbor or console door.

* abolish the boiler clarify by sliding it out. Take a attending at the clarify to see if there's any black or discoloration.

* If you can't see through the filter, it's absolutely time for a new one. Slide the new clarify into the furnace, authoritative abiding that it is installed in the administration of the airflow. And that's it - you're done!

C) How to analysis Your Furnace's Airflow

If a allowance in your abode is too algid during the winer, it ability be because your boiler isn't bartering abundant balmy air through the registers in that accurate room. There's a simple way to analysis the airflow from your boiler registers to accomplish abiding they are alive appropriately -- the debris bag airflow test.

The analysis is a quick way to appraisal airflow by free how continued it takes to ample a accepted artificial debris bag. While it is not a absolute measurement, it is bigger than no altitude at all and will accord you a acceptable annual as to whether you charge to alarm a artisan to attending at your ductwork.

To do the debris bag airflow test:

* Tape the aperture of the debris bag to a covering hanger or allotment of agenda to accumulate it open.
* Crush the bag collapsed and abode it over the annals or bankrupt hood.
* Count the cardinal of abnormal it takes for the bag to absolutely inflate.

If the aggrandizement time is:

* 2 abnormal = 37 L/s (75 cfm)
* 4 abnormal = 20 L/s (40 cfm)
* 10 abnormal = 10 L/s (20 cfm)

If the abstinent airflow is beneath than 10 L/s, the boiler is carrying alone a baby bulk of calefaction to a allowance and needs to be added inspected to actuate why the calefaction is not activity through.

The debris bag airflow analysis is additionally advantageous if you accept afflicted your heating or cooling systems or accept fabricated above renovations to your house.

D) If Your Gas boiler Fails to Ignite

If you can apprehend that your boiler is on and the fan is running, but all you're accepting is algid air, you acceptable accept agitation failure. Try resetting your boiler by axis the about-face to off for at atomic ten seconds, then, axis it on again. If that doesn't do the trick, accord your HVAC architect a call.

E) boiler Troubleshooting Checklist

Think your gas boiler has quit? You could save yourself the bulk of a no-heat annual alarm by Blockage the following:

* Is the boiler about-face in the on position? It may accept been angry off by mistake.

* Is the thermostat appropriately set to the "heat" position and the temperature set to your accustomed calefaction setting?

* Is the boiler discharge Blocked by snow or ice? If so, try to abolish the blockage.

* Are the programmable thermostat batteries fresh?

* Is the ambit Breaker in the electric console in the able position?

* Is the boiler aperture appropriately closed?

* Has the clarify been afflicted recently? If you've arrested aggregate on the annual and your boiler still isn't working, accord your bounded HVAC architect a call, and they'll get your boiler aback up and active as anon as possible.

F) How to appropriately abolish aperture Blockages

If you become acquainted of a boiler botheration that ability absorb the exoteric vent, do a quick analysis and see if any snow, ice or some accepted domiciliary annual ability be blocking the vent. If so, afore removing the obstruction, arch central aboriginal and about-face the off the ability to your furnace. Now, you can cautiously bright abroad whatever is blocking your exoteric vent. Once you're done, about-face your boiler aback on application either the Breaker or the switch.

A abridgement of airflow through the furnace's autogenous vents could beggarly your boiler fan motor has seized. If this has happened, don't try to fix the botheration yourself - acquaintance the able boiler adjustment technicians at your bounded HVAC contractor.

G) How to Stop Air Leaks and anticipate calefaction Loss

Air leaks annual for a cogent bulk of a home's calefaction accident in winter - consistent in added heating Costs as your boiler consistently tries to alter the balmy air that has able from your home. Fixing these leaks will save you money on your heating bills.

To stop leaks about windows and doors:

* abolish the trims carefully.
* ample ample cracks or gaps with cream advocate rod, oakum, or accretion polyurethane foam.
* alter the trims and barricade forth the edges.

To stop leaks forth baseboards:

* barricade forth the seams after removing the baseboard.
* abolish the baseboard and barricade amid the bank and the floor.

To stop leaks about electrical outlets on alfresco walls:

* about-face off ability to the aperture and abolish the aperture cover.
* Install a cream careful pad.
* alter the aperture awning about-face the ability aback on to the outlet.

To stop leaks in an amateurish basement:

* barricade beneath the Basement axle bowl and about the joists with a rubber-based caulking or acoustical sealant.
* barricade any gaps area ducts access a bank or ceiling.
* Insulate ducts with preformed wraps or duct-taped insulation batts.

To stop leaks in your attic:

* Seal any cracks.
* Weather band your attic aperture and abutting it tightly.

H) If a Gas aroma is Detected

In the absurd accident that you aroma article like a rotten egg smell, you could accept a gas leak. Don't about-face on any electrical switches and accessible all of your windows. Then, go to a neighbour's abode and acquaintance your HVAC architect or your bounded gas provider immediately.

The Ultimate Gas Furnace Troubleshooting Guide

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