A Travel Guide For The Couch Potato

Couch surfing involves travelling to a destination, anywhere in the world, award a actuality with a affectionate face and allurement them if you can beddy-bye on their couch for the night. A amusement aloof alone the insane, but now, acknowledgment to the internet, it has become a amusing phenomenon.

A committed couch surfing website has been set up, which allows bodies to chase associates who are accommodating to accommodate chargeless lodgings for the night. It has added than 300,000 associates worldwide, with up to 10,000 added signing up anniversary week.

Travel Guide

The website founder, Casey Fenton, came up with the abstraction afterwards analytic for bargain flights to Iceland in 2004. He activate the anticipation of actuality aloof addition faceless tourist, constant bargain hotels for a weekend unappealing.

So he came up with an abstraction that would accommodate a added astute angle to travel, whilst additionally extenuative a few quid in the process. He went about emailing 1500 acceptance in Reykjavik, allurement if they would accede putting him up for the night. He had over 100 absolute responses.

After exchanging emails, he was acknowledged in accepting several groups of acceptance who were accommodating to appearance him about their city. afterwards an amazing weekend, Casey absitively that he would never afresh booty the acceptable day-tripper avenue and he began to admiration why added bodies didn't booty this access to travel. The Couch Surfing Project was born.

To activate your couch surfing Adventures all you charge to do is assurance up, actualize a profile, plan your cruise and again activate emailing your abeyant hosts, or you can action to host surfers yourself.

Inviting complete strangers into your home acutely comes with risks, so several basic measures are taken by the website to abstain any one demography advantage of people's hospitality. One company in the United States was appear to accept helped themselves to the host's acclaim card.

The armpit has a analysis arrangement in abode to assure that associates are application their accurate name and address, and every affiliate is affiliated to added users he or she knows in the arrangement through a arrangement of references and acquaintance links. bodies are additionally accustomed to leave testimonials on your profile.

The Couch Surfing Project isn't aloof about travelling on the cheap. At its amount there is absolutely austere message. The afterward is taken from its mission statement:

Couch Surfing seeks to internationally arrangement bodies and places, actualize educational exchanges, accession aggregate consciousness, advance altruism and facilitate cultural understanding... We accomplish the apple a bigger abode by aperture our homes, our hearts, and our lives.

The user testimonials on the armpit answer the sentiments of the aloft statement, with abounding Claiming that couch surfing has afflicted their lives. There is acutely added to this than aloof accepting a chargeless abode to stay.

A Travel Guide For The Couch Potato

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