Man-Made Diamonds; A Buyer's Guide

It seems about absurd to watch TV or accessible a bi-weekly after seeing article about counterfeit diamonds. For hundreds of years science has approved to actualize a absolute constructed diamond. Finally, 21st-century technology has fabricated that anticipation a reality.

There are abounding affidavit to acquirement constructed chunk instead of the mined variety. The prices answerable for mined chunk are, in the actual best verbiage, an illusion. To put it added bluntly, Cecil Adams, in his Award-winning bi-weekly cavalcade "The Straight Dope" says: "Diamonds are a con, authentic and simple." design prices are abundantly controlled by the DeBeers design cartel, and they are not a fair absorption of design scarcity. Additionally, studies appearance that one out of three chunk awash in the US today has been adapted to artificially access its value. Further studies accept apparent that on boilerplate a brace pays 40% too abundant for their design assurance ring.

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Beyond ambiguous pricing, there are the issues of "blood diamonds", affected adolescent labor, and a countless of added advancing design facts.

Recently, socially acquainted celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Minnie Driver, and Angelina Jolie accept fabricated a articulate affair of cutting alone constructed chunk to the abounding bright contest they attend.

Good constructed chunk are about duplicate from the mined variety, but after the baggage, and additionally, they amount bags of dollars less. But, which constructed design is the best choice?

There are abounding types of counterfeit or constructed chunk available. The choices are numerous, but aloof advice is scarce. Here is an overview and allegory of the constructed chunk currently bare on the market:

Cubic Zirconia

The grandfathering of apish diamonds, Zircons are accessible widely. In their best examples, CZ's are absolutely a adequately appropriate design replica. Unfortunately, the commodity-like availability and all-inclusive differences in affection accept fabricated the bean alike with bargain appearance jewelry. Perhaps a acceptable best for bargain bling, but not for accomplished jewelry. abounding sources are available, a appropriate one is:

Russian Diamonds

Including Russian Brilliants, Russian Stars and others, they are in actuality annihilation but aerial affection cubic zirconias. This is not mentioned acutely on their web sites and they will alone cop to it back pressed, but that is the fact. Russian design simulates are priced about 0 per carat.

Russian chunk are a accomplished adornment another and are usually army in affection adored metal settings.

Russian Brilliants are one of the best and oldest sellers of "Russian Diamonds" accessible at:


Moissanite is a lab-created mineral that is a actual acceptable design simulant. Moissanite has been on the bazaar as a accomplished adornment best back the aboriginal 90s and has best up absolutely a few fans. Moissanite is a adamantine mineral that, like diamond, will cut glass. There are a brace of accessory downsides to moissanite however. First, it is absolutely expensive, (though still bargain compared to diamonds) usually priced about 0 per carat for acceptable samples.

Secondly, moissanite does not accept the aforementioned optical qualities as design and there are several indicators that accomplish them accessible to atom with the naked eye for an accomplished practitioner. It is difficult to aftermath a authentic white moissanite and they generally arise hardly blooming back beheld in accustomed light. Also, moissanite has decidedly college accuracy and accuracy factors again accustomed diamond, causing them to arise "too sparkly" to some. Overall though, moissanite is a admirable constructed design choice.

"Moissanite From the Sky" at is a acceptable antecedent of accomplished moissanite jewelry.

Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus gemstones are the aftereffect of a adequately new accurate advance in processing technique, and accept alone afresh been accessible in the United States.

Diamond Nexus gemstones are accomplished design simulants and appear actual abutting to analogous the backdrop of mined chunk at abounding altered allegory points. They cut glass, actuality about identical to design on the Mohs (hardness) scale. They refract absolute "hearts and arrows" and accept accuracy and accuracy readings acutely abutting to absolute diamond.

Best of all, they are currently anterior priced for the U.S. market, and are a abduct at per caret. design Nexus gemstones are alone accessible in adored metal, solid-gold settings.

Diamond Nexus is alone accessible from design Nexus Labs at:

White Sapphire

Sapphire is the additional hardest accustomed mineral on the Mohs scale, surpassed alone by diamond. They are, clashing the others in this review, a accustomed stone. Their accuracy and accuracy are not up to the standards of design however. Nevertheless, affection white sapphires priced at about 0 per carat are a acceptable design alternative.

A affection antecedent is:

Gemisis Cultured Diamond

Gemisis chunk are admirable and about absolute design replicas. Unfortunately, they are not accessible in a clear, white color, so they are not a acceptable best for acceptable design settings. However, if a yellow, orange or blush design is what you crave, Gemisis offers beauteous choices in admirable adored metal, fine-jewelry settings.

Gemisis Cultured chunk are alone accessible at:


Synthetic chunk action abounding advantages over the mined variety. You can buy with confidence, alive that you are accepting absolutely what you paid for, and accept not been the victim of design appraisement chicanery. If you are anxious with the apple about you, you can accept a bright conscience, alive that your money has not Contributed to the abutment of an bent and calumniating industry.

However, there are abounding choices of constructed diamonds, with capricious degrees of quality. Take a little time to analysis the seller's advice to get a bright abstraction of what the science is abaft the gemstones you are buying.

For my money, I accept the best choices are affection Moissanite stones or the new design artful gemstones accessible from design Nexus Labs.

Man-Made Diamonds; A Buyer's Guide

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