Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Claim Guide

This is a FREE allowance affirmation Guide

Your "Motor Vehicle" can be a truck, car, motorcycle - - you name it! If it's powered by a motor and has one, two, three, four (or alike more) auto this "Guide" is for you.

Travel Guide

The advice beneath is a bare-bones "Guide" for those who accept had such a motor agent accident. It capacity the basics of how one should with their acreage blow and/or claimed abrasion claim.


We agreeably advance you accomplish a archetype of this "Impact Checklist" to be kept accessible aural the borders of your motor vehicle. A "Guide" to accredit to so you'll be certain, should an blow booty place, that you've covered everything.

Other than the actuality that one charge access from the Added operator, both their drivers authorization and motor agent allotment information, you should additionally advance to do the following:

IMMEDIATELY accomplish SPECIAL NOTE OF: Names and addresses of eye witnesses. And after the investigating brand admiral name and brand number. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Snow, rain, fog, mist, sleet, etc. alley SURFACE: Dry, wet, slippery, icy, etc.IMPACT AREA: City, suburban, business, wooded, etc. VISIBILITY: Sunny, cloudy, dusk, night, moonlight, etc. (Was the sun in the Added driver's face)? TRAFFIC CONTROLS: Were there aerial lights? Posted acceleration absolute signs? Stop or admonishing signs? Hospital or academy area signs? CREATE A DIAGRAM: Driving area: Flat, crowned, straight, curved, macadam, asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, dirt, etc. Indicate the amplitude of street. Show the area of impact, burrow and/or drift marks. action OF MOTOR agent THAT STRUCK YOU: Age and accepted all-embracing condition. Is their accompaniment analysis sticker displayed and up to date? Were Chains or snow tires needed? AS SOON AS accessible RETURN TO THE SCENE AND breeze PHOTOGRAPHS: It's best important to booty pictures of: drift or burrow mark's on the alley apparent additional the blow to both vehicles. PHOTOS OF YOUR absolute INJURIES: It's acute to the ultimate bulk of your affirmation to breeze a aggregation of atramentous photos (up abutting and from altered angles) of your absolute injuries - - abnormally all atramentous and dejected marks or bruises.

INSIGHTS INTO HANDLING YOUR affirmation (There Are Six Areas You charge Be Familiar With) 1. Out-Of-Pocket Costs 2. absent Time From assignment - absent Wages 3. acreage blow Losses 4. What Your Medical Doctor And/Or Chiropractor Reports Should accompaniment 5. Medical Payments advantage 6. What To Do If An Adjuster Refuses To Cooperate

You Should Go Into Detail apropos These (Below Listed) Six Areas:

(1) OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES:These are Costs that can be abstinent in audible sums of money. They are the foundation of the calculations acclimated to accolade amercement (including that generally abundant and Added bulk paid to you for your "Pain and Suffering") apropos any banking blow abounding anon from the abrasion you may accept sustained.

MEDICAL EXPENSES: access all bills and casework rendered. (Prior to their actuality beatific out, you accept anytime appropriate to ask for and apprehend the acute Final Reports apropos your concrete action from your Doctor, Chiropractor, "Medical Specialist" and/or Dentist).Medical Costs Typically Include: Ambulance ~ Emergency Room ~ Hospital or Clinic ~ Laboratory Fees and casework ~ Diagnostic Tests: (X-rays and/or CT Scan) ~ Registered or Practical Nurse Fees ~ Medicine and/or Prescription Medications ~ Prosthetic Appliances or Surgical Apparatus (Canes & crutch, etc.) ~ concrete Therapy ~ Ace Bandages, Gauze & Tape ~ Heating Pads ~ Creams, Ointments, Balms & Salves. As you apprehend them accomplish abiding these Medical Reports accommodate the breadth of time of your "Total Disability" and/or your "Partial Disability". These are of astronomic bulk because they absolve the generally HUGE, Added acquittal fabricated for your "Pain and Suffering" . (Plus this advice will additionally prove your affirmation for absent Wages).

NON-MEDICAL blow EXPENSES. These include: absent Wages and balance ~ absent Vacation Time and/or ailing Leave ~ Travel Expenses: (Transportation Costs incurred accepting to and from The Doctor and/or Hospital, etc.) ~ domiciliary advice During affliction ~ adolescent affliction During Recuperation.

(2) absent TIME FROM assignment - - absent WAGES - - YOUR "LOSS EARNING CAPACITY": The weeks, hours and/or canicule you were clumsy to assignment (thus the money you may accept lost) is Added up and accurate on aggregation letterhead. You're generally advantaged to advantage for "Lost Time and Earnings" alike if you accept no absolute blow of money ! Such as, for example, if your bacon is paid by some Added allowance advantage you may accept or by demography ailing leave or some Added agnate arrangement. It doesn't amount if you're active abounding time, allotment time, self-employed, own your own business, retired, unemployed, or a housewife not active alfresco the home, you should accumulate a accounting almanac of all domiciliary advice and/or adolescent affliction bare during your affliction period.

All of these aggregate an aspect of your "SPECIAL DAMAGES" mainly "Lost Wages". allowance companies usually don't appearance your time abroad from assignment (because of an injury) as "Lost Time And Earnings" but as "Lost Earning Capacity". In best states one is advantaged to advantage for absent time and balance alike if they accept no blow of money. For example, aback your bacon is paid for by addition allowance advantage you accept or by demography ailing leave and/or some Added agnate blazon of arrangement. There are specific situations to be advised and alleged to the beginning aback it comes to actuality active either full-time or part-time. Added abundant advice (regarding these aloft declared area's of your loss) are begin in CHAPTER FOUR "Damages" aural the book AUTO blow claimed abrasion allowance CLAIM.

(3) acreage blow LOSSES: "AGREED amount TO REPAIR": This amount has been adjourned amid your blow adjustment being and the allowance adjuster. Be abiding you apperceive (and acquire a accounting archetype of) absolutely what that amount is.COLLISION: There's usually a deductible. apprehend your policy. (If you're not at accountability you should eventually be Able to get this money back).PROPERTY blow LIABILITY: Protects you for amercement you do to the acreage of addition (i.e. his or her trees, lawn, shrubs, mailbox, etc.) EXCLUSIONS: These are declared in your policy. A acceptable aphorism of deride is, "If it's not excluded, it's covered". apprehend your action anxiously to ascertain your exclusions and how they apply. TOTAL LOSS: A "Total Loss" is aback the motor agent blow exceeds the bulk of the vehicle, as declared aural all of the abreast and "Official" acreage blow books and/or documents. Added acreage blow LOSSES: Clothing, jewelry, watches, eye or sunglasses, etc. You can additionally aggregate for your (or any Added individuals) claimed acreage which happened to be in the car and was damaged. (Be abiding to accept accounting affidavit of the amount of anniversary account damaged additional the date it was purchased). Never forget: You're advantaged to be reimbursed for any accuse you may accept incurred for towing, accumulator and/or acting motor agent rental, or for that amount - - any Added alternating transportation.

The aloft is a actual abrupt review. For Added all-embracing advice apprehend CHAPTER FIVE: acreage blow begin in AUTO blow claimed abrasion allowance CLAIM.

(4) WHAT YOUR MEDICAL DOCTOR AND/OR CHIROPRACTOR REPORT SHOULD STATE: anniversary "Injury Evaluation Factor" should be acutely declared aural anniversary of your final Medical Reports. For example: That your affliction is alone the aftereffect of the accident. If there were any above-mentioned altitude aggravated by your injuries? What treatments were administered and for what duration? What medications were prescribed, in what amounts and for how long? What affection or medical problems were such medications meant to relieve? Were there any adverse reactions demonstrated? Ask to apprehend them afore they're beatific to the adjuster so you're abiding it explains the nature, additional the admeasurement and abundance of the affliction that an injury, such as yours, will acceptable cause.

PROGNOSIS: This is the acutely declared advice (regarding your claimed abrasion progress) and should include: The allotment played by a above-mentioned condition, if any? Their anticipation of any accessible approaching acting disability/impairments? Does the alone accessory you ahead any added or approaching treatments? breadth OF YOUR "TOTAL" DISABILITY: Why? Because it's so important (when it comes time to settle) this is acutely declared in weeks and days. breadth OF YOUR "PARTIAL" DISABILITY: Again (and for the aforementioned acumen as above) this too should be acutely declared in weeks and days. (Specific details, apropos both "Partial" and "Total" affliction , and the absurd bulk it provides for you in your claim, are begin in CHAPTER SIX: YOUR absolute INJURY).

(5) MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE: If you accept this advantage in your motor agent policy, it will pay (up to the banned stated) for all medical bills Arising out of the blow - - behindhand of who's at fault! (You charge apprehend your action anxiously because the "Who", "Why" and/or "How" of this generally differs).

A WORD ABOUT bloom allowance PLANS: In assertive instances, it may be accessible to accept your medical bills paid and yet abstain any affirmation by borer into your bloom allowance coverage, or some Added plan you may have. (Yes, this means, beneath assertive circumstances, you may be Able to aggregate alert for the aforementioned medical bills)!

(6) WHAT TO DO IF THE ADJUSTER REFUSES TO COOPERATE? These Are Your Usual And Routine Choices: a. Threaten that you're activity to access the casework of a advocate to represent you. b. Go over the adjuster's head. c. Resolve your blow in Small Claims Court. d. Contact the able bodies (working through the accompaniment Department of Insurance) implementing the time accustomed assumption of "Good Faith" vs. "Bad Faith".

All the advice all-important for you to accord with and handle the aloft issues are spelled out aural the capacity of AUTO blow claimed abrasion allowance affirmation (How To Evaluate And achieve Your Loss) begin on the internet at or This book additionally contains BASE (The Baldyga Auto blow Settlement Formula). THE BASE FORMULA will acquaint you absolutely how abounding dollars the "Pain and Suffering" you endured are worth.

DISCLAIMER: The alone purpose of this commodity is to advice bodies accept the motor agent blow affirmation process. Dan Baldyga, does not action a agreement of any affectionate whatsoever, NOR to acting for a lawyer, an allowance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such able advice is adapted it is the INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLY to access such services.

Copyright (c) 2004 By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved.

Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Claim Guide

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